Lesaffre supports Gut Microbiota for Health, a platform created by European Society of Neurogastroenterology and Motility

Lesaffre becomes gold sponsor of Gut Microbiota For Health (GMFH), a platform created by the Gut Microbiota and Health section of the European Society of Neurogastroenterology and Motility (ESNM). The aim of this platform is to provide information, foster research, training and dissemination of knowledge of the role of the gut microbiota in intestinal and non-intestinal health and disease, prevention and therapeutic, and extended to probiotics.  


Launched in 2012, Gut Microbiota for Health platform shares knowledge and promote debate regarding gut microbiota. Its mission is to raise awareness and interest on the gut’s microbial community and its importance for our health and quality of life, both among the scientific and medical community and society in general. With more than 135,000 members around the globe, the platform has become an international benchmark for gut microbiota information and debate.


As part of this sponsorship, Lesaffre will support GMFH in providing information on gut microbiota and its role on health, built on science accuracy, clearness, and factchecking. Lesaffre can benefit from the scientific expertise and knowledge in the field of GMFH as well as the opportunity to be involved in projects dedicated to raise awareness on gut microbiota.


As a global player in the field of fermentation and micro-organisms, Lesaffre  intends to contribute, to raising the awareness on the critical importance of gut microbiota for human and animal health through its different Business Units. Indeed, Gnosis by Lesaffre, Phileo by Lesaffre and Procelys by Lesaffre develop tailor-made solutions by mastering microbiota and immunity, based on sound science and trials evidence, dedicated to human and animal health.


« With nearly 170 years of history,  Lesaffre has built up a strong expertise in research and manufacturing excellence in fermentation. At Lesaffre, we deeply explore the infinite potential of microorganisms to improve human and animal care while preserving natural resources. Through our different activities, we firmly believe in the tremendous power of gut microbiota to maintain better health, and the necessity to promote scientific knowledge in this field. This is the meaning of our sponsorship granted to the Gut Microbiota for Health Platform. Together we can go even further in raising awareness about gut microbiota and its importance for health, » declares Brice-Audren Riché, CEO of Lesaffre.


We are pleased that Lesaffre is able to support GMfH section and are convinced that our two expertises can help spread the knowledge about the benefits of microbiota. With its exceptional know-how in the field of fermentation, Lesaffre brings a new and innovative perspective on human and animal microbiota,” declares Giovanni Barbara, Chair of the Gut Microbiota for Health Section of the European Society of Neurogastroenterology and Motility


We look forward to intensify our exchanges with Lesaffre and working together to raise awareness of the tremendous health benefits of microbiota. With the experts from Lesaffre, we will be able to explore even more knowledge so that scientific advances in this field can reinforce global microbiota education,” declares Joël Doré, Co-Chair of the Gut Microbiota for Health Section of the European Society of Neurogastroenterology and Motility
