Protecting the environment and supporting local farmers

As an innovative player, committed to protecting the environment and local communities, Lesaffre invented Nutribond. As part of a virtuous ecological cycle, this organic self-sustaining, innovative fertilizer transforms factory wastewater into fertilizer, ready to be returned to agricultural land.
South America
key figure
7 high economic value crops performed better with Nutribond

What if we could transform factory effluents into an organic, sustainable and marketable product? That was the idea behind Nutribond, an innovative fertilizer, unprecedented on the Mexican market. Nutribond encourages more sustainable yeast production, promotes healthier agriculture practices and anticipates compliance with increasingly stringent river water quality standards.

This fertilizer surpasses chemical formulas typically used in Mexico. This makes it ideal for niche categories ౼ notably high value organic crops for export and extensive crops such as sugar cane. Nutribond is biologically rich, easily biodegradable and promotes soil microflora renewal. In addition, it improves soil quality, which increases crop yield and farmers’ incomes and meets the need for certified organic fertilizer for high value export crops.

As we look towards the future, we are focusing on several key milestones. First, we need to obtain certification as an organic product. Then, we need authorization from the Mexican government to rechannel factory effluent to an evaporator, in order to achieve a concentration of 55% solids. Once approved, we will carry out a detailed market analysis to define the prices and volumes for each niche, implement logistics to transport and store fertilizer, and establish a realistic production and marketing budget.

The future looks bright for Nutribond ౼ a product that ensures the sustainable treatment and use of our wastewater, while fulfilling our commitment to better nourish and protect the planet.
Molasses Purchasing - Brazil