Our commitment to preserve the planet!


At Lesaffre, our mission is to work together to better nourish and protect the planet. Through our activities, we are committed to preserving our resources and protecting the environment.

We have all understood that there will be no “PLANET B”… In 2050, there will be 9 billion human beings, so it is time to act. The World Environment Day which takes place on June 5th is a unique moment dedicated to the environment. Under the aegis of the United Nations, since 1974, this special day reminds us that everyone has a role to play and so do we!

We are working to meet 3 major challenges:



the activities of our industrial sites

Our Sustainable Development Manager coordinates the sustainable development issues of our production processes and supply chain, with the priority of decarbonizing industrial activities, increasing water savings and improving the carbon footprint of products.

In 2021, we carried out extensive data collection work to calculate our greenhouse gas emissions. The aim of this work is to take stock and identify the main greenhouse gas emissions in our factories and industrial sites, in order to define a decarbonization trajectory.

Thanks to this measure, we are setting up a decarbonization roadmap for our production sites adapted to the nature of our activities:

  • Improving our energy efficiency
  • Diversifying our sources of electrical energy
  • Using biomass and by-products
  • Optimizing the use of biogas
  • Develop renewable energies
  • Measuring and valorizing avoided emissions



while preserving biodiversity and soil fertility

Our Agrauxine by Lesaffre activity actively participates in the reasoned approach of an agriculture that respects the environment and human health.

By developing and marketing biocontrol, biostimulation and bionutrition products made from micro-organisms, Agrauxine’s natural solutions ensure the protection of crops against diseases and improve plant nutrition while limiting the use of chemical pesticides.

We encourage knowledge sharing with agricultural professionals to advance sustainable solutions by collaborating with universities, technical institutes and research organizations.

We are also a founding member and sponsor of the “Bio4Solutions” Chair at ENSAIA – University of Lorraine, the first chair specialized in biosolutions in France. This chair is dedicated to the agro-ecological transition and to supporting research. It aims to train professionals in agriculture as well as future generations of engineers.



to preserve resources and protect the environment


We accurately monitor the quantities of water consumed on all our sites, whether it is integrated as an ingredient in the yeast itself or used in our processes (heating, cooling, cleaning). Thanks to this monitoring and our improvements, 83% of the water consumed is now returned to nature clean.

We reduce our packaging emissions by optimizing the use of mono-materials or, for example, by recirculating containers of liquid yeast between our customers and our production sites.

We also use organic matter as fertilizer to create a virtuous production cycle: the organic matter from the production of yeast and yeast ingredients can, among other things, be reused as fertilizer, as a source of protein essential to animal nutrition and, after processing, as an alternative to other less virtuous products in the industry. The applications of these by-products are numerous, and we are discovering new potential applications every day!