ECHO, a charity program to be closer to the communities

At the beginning of 2019, Lesaffre launched ECHO, the Lesaffre’s charity program. Since its creation, ECHO has supported 130 solidarity projects, including 30 in 2021.

This program has taken over from an internal challenge that we have been organizing regularly since 2014 around Social and Environmental Responsibility actions. This awareness-raising event highlighted the multiplicity of our actions around the world and gave us the desire to go further … much further.

Our decentralized structure gives us strong local roots, wherever we are. This proximity gives us the opportunity to contribute to development, support or mutual aid actions set up by associations and NGOs.

This program has a system of matching contributions through which the group provides additional financial support for the actions of its subsidiaries around the world, to encourage them to become more involved in the economic and social life of communities.

More about our Lesaffre’s charity program