Water, a major concern


Water is a precious treasure that must be protected and consumed with care. At Lesaffre, we set up various solutions to preserve this resource. For many years, we have been determined to implement the most modern and innovative technical means to reduce our water consumption, such as membrane technology, an innovative fluid separation process.

Today, thanks to this environmental policy put in place on some of our plants, we are able to return up to 83% of the water consumed in our manufacturing processes to nature after treatment.

Some geographical areas are more exposed than others to water scarcity and quality. Our Sustainable Development Manager, has defined with our local teams worldwide, 3 complementary axes:

    ​​​​​​​We work to intensify the measures implemented to reduce our water consumption throughout our manufacturing process.
    Our ambition is to replicate our recycling technologies on our sites located in the most water-sensitive regions and on those that consume the most water.
    Our objective is to reduce the pollution of water returned with sufficient quality, allowing its reintegration into the natural environment with the most neutral impact possible.